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Vanishing whispers....

In shadows cast, I yearn to fade away,

A silent whisper, where none would sway,

To vanish like a dream in dawn's first light,

And wander as a specter through the night.


I wish I could disappear, unseen, unknown,

To wander free where I could be alone,

Far from the chains that bind my weary soul,

And find solace in the spaces untold.


Invisible I'd be, a ghostly wisp,

No worldly burdens in my heart to twist,

No judgment, expectations, or despair,

Just the echo of my footsteps in the air.


To soar amidst the stars, unbound by time,

To dance on moonbeams, in the sky I'd climb,

To journey where no human foot has trod,

And lose myself in realms of the divine.


Yet, as I wish to vanish from this place,

I ponder if my absence they'd embrace,

For though the world may weigh my spirit low,

In connection, love, and warmth, my heart does grow.


For in this longing to dissolve from sight,

I find a yearning to be known, despite,

To find my place, my purpose, and my song,

And in this life, to truly feel I belong.


So, I'll embrace the struggles and the fears,

To journey through this life with all its tears,

And though at times, I'll wish to disappear,

I'll learn to love myself and hold me dear.

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